Tuesday's post where you got to ask me questions was really helpful to me because I got to think through some really important questions. I hope it was also helpful to you! (Or at least satisfied your curiosity.) There was one question that I was asked that I didn't include because I thought it would make a really good blog post all by itself. A fellow homeschooling mom (and guest post author) asked, "How do you make learning fun?"
This is a great question, unfortunately, I am not FULL of ideas about this one. However, I figured this would be another great opportunity for my readers and Facebook friends to contribute their ideas and fill up a post with lots of great ideas to share with each other. Some subjects are fun just because they are enjoyable, some subjects don't have a natural "fun" factor and they take a little extra creativity to engage our little learners.
So here is the challenge!
Send me your best ideas for how you make learning fun, whether it is
in your homeschool,
in your public school classroom,
when you are doing homework with your kids
or even when you are teaching your kids an everyday life skill!
You can submit your ideas by:
- commenting on this post,
- by emailing me at gospelcenteredhomeschooling@gmail.com or
- by commenting on the Gospel Centered Homeschooling facebook page.
I will put all the ideas together in one post, one week from today!
I wish I could offer a giveaway or something to reward you for commenting... but I'm still a new blogger with no sponsors or freebies. Can you help a sister out from the kindness of your heart and creativity of your non-radiated brain? (Oops, that's another story I'll get to a different time.)
Still stuck with no ideas to offer? All I need is one or two good ideas from each of you - and I KNOW that everyone has had at least ONE success story of something you did that your kids really loved. If you have more than one... you are an EXPERT, so get typing!!!
Thanks a million!
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