He Speaks!
By Sarah Phillips
I’m not sure why it still has this effect on me, maybe because it doesn’t seem to happen often, but when God shows me something in His word I am always surprised. After the shock wears off, I am left humbled that the perfect Lord of the universe wants to teach me something tailored to an immediate need that I wasn’t even aware of.
I’m not sure why it still has this effect on me, maybe because it doesn’t seem to happen often, but when God shows me something in His word I am always surprised. After the shock wears off, I am left humbled that the perfect Lord of the universe wants to teach me something tailored to an immediate need that I wasn’t even aware of.
This situation happened the other day
as I was reading 2 Kings. First of all, I wasn’t really expecting to learn much
from 2 Kings, besides some history. Kings is seemingly endless and repetitive
to me. Truthfully, I was just trying to finish these books and get to the “good
stuff”, which for me is Psalms, Proverbs, and Isaiah. I was beginning to feel
like I’d been reading the same thing over and over, and getting really confused
with all the names when God spoke through His word. Just like when I’m relaxing on the
couch, (a rare thing) and one of my children runs and jumps on my stomach, I
couldn’t miss it and it hurt. The lesson here goes beyond the specific verse;
however as to not leave you in suspense I will share it with you.
Kings 17:15 They went after false idols
and became false. (ESV)
and became false. (ESV)
How often I too seek after false idols –
praise and approval of people,
I don’t need,
children’s good behavior to make me look good,
etc., etc.
and I am sometimes false as a
Do I really want to become false,
like so many people I see in this world? Comparisons kill passion for Christ and yet I too often fall into
the trap. Whether it’s building myself up as superior or tearing myself down as
inferior, I lose my focus. In losing my focus I forget that seeking anything besides Christ is equal to going after idols. If I follow this path enough, I will
become false. I’m actually disgusted at the thought. If fakeness in myself and
others is disgusting to me, how much more so to the perfect Lord of the
universe? I hear the warning and repent, and I am ever so thankful for God’s
teaching, love, and patience.
However, as I mentioned, the lesson
goes beyond the single verse. First of all, God blesses perseverance. Read His word, even when it feels like He
isn’t speaking through it, because He will. Second, it’s ALL “good stuff”. Even in the seemingly endless and
repetitive parts, He will teach us. The final lesson: I need to come to His word expecting to
learn and not just check it off my
list. He may not speak to me so clearly every day, but He will speak.
One verse, four lessons, awesome God!
child of a great God,
wife of a sweet husband,
and homeschooling mother of 3 beautiful blessings.
Such a wonderful post, blessings to you.