Monday, July 16, 2012

I Love Being a Mother of Boys!

One of the blogs that I like to read is called The MOB Society - (for Mothers of Boys). 
The mission statement from their blog is:
Used by permission from The MOB Society

Being a mother of three boys myself, that is a mission statement I can get behind!! 
(I only wish I thought of it first.)

I am participating with their Boy Mom Blog Hop this week, so if you are a new visitor to this site,
let me introduce myself...

I'm Jennifer- new blogger, and a not-so-new homeschooler, but still feeling like a novice in both capacities.  I primarily write to point others to the sufficiency of Christ in all things, specifically in homeschooling and parenting.  Here are a few posts to give you an idea of what I care most about and to give you a sample of the blog...

I also love to share great links to articles or quotes that keep our minds on the power of the gospel, great resources for teaching kids important spiritual truths and I have started an online book club where we are currently reading Gospel Powered Parenting by William Farley. 

And here is the Family!

Thanks for coming over to our blog and checking us out! 
I would love to "e-meet" you too, so leave a comment so I can check out your site and say hello!

or "like" GCH on Facebook.


  1. I love your heart for the gospel! My desire is that my own children's hearts would be saturated by the gospel and that they would always remember it's not about them but about Him. So nice to "meet" you!

    1. Thanks Christina - I thought the same about your blog. Nice to "meet" you too!

  2. I love that you gave us a bit of each of their personalities and interests. I love the pose that "Tater Tot" struck. Cute! Here from the MOB blog hop!

  3. love this- great family shot with the bikes! following ya on fb from the hop!

    1. Thanks Kelli- I'll return the favor! Your family looks like the beach version of our mountain family! HA!

  4. I love that pic of your middle boy and of course that family photo is gorgeous! another Jennifer of three boys here! lol

    1. Thanks Jennifer - I loved your pics of your little ones as well!

  5. Jennifer,

    Thanks for stopping by Teaching Boys. We DO have a lot in common!!! Your boys' bios.......I could just change the pics and add in my boys' faces! Their ages....their likes.... very similar!! So funny!

    Nice to meet you!


  6. Hopping over from MOB blog hop. I really enjoyed getting to "meet" your family!!! Blessings from Croatia! A Little R & R:

  7. How adorable are those boys! I love how their personality comes through in the pictures! Great to meet you!

    Mary Beth

    1. Thanks Mary Beth - I just checked out your blog as well. Nice to meet you too!

  8. You've got some smart sons, Jennifer.. Loved your family picture at the end. Blessings!

    1. Thanks Sheena! Have a great day with those triplets! Glad you stopped by...

  9. Hello there, stopping by from the blog hop. All of your boys look like a ton of fun to be around. And I love seeing families being active together outdoors. Way to go mom!

    1. Thank Kacey - I stopped by your blog too. We do love biking together, I am just trying to keep up with all my boys on their bikes, I think I will soon be left behind, but I try!

  10. Enjoyed meeting you and hearing about your family!

  11. SO nice to meet you! Your family seems to be very similar to ours. Love the pic of you guys biking together! So far, my husband and I walk/run while the boys bike. But as soon as I can get my bike up and running, we hope to bike as a family.

    1. Thanks for stopping by Hannah - I went to your blog and we do sound similar! My boys ride circles around me - especially the six year old, believe it or not. We mountain bike, so I have had lots of bruises learning how to ride the rough stuff. What is a boy mom without a lot of bruises, I guess? Nice to e-meet you!

  12. Jennifer,
    Darling boys. Birth order photos in tact, yes! I have 5 of them, so I'm pretty good at flushing out the order and age! You are a blessed woman, my dear! And I'm confident that they will rise up and call YOU blessed one day, confirming this truth.
    XO, ;0)
