I'm Jennifer – wife to Jeff, mom to three hilarious, energetic and sweet boys, and expert on nothing! That makes me perfectly qualified to start a blog, right? From day one, I want to state my lack of qualifications to provide anything authoritative whatsoever on the subjects of homeschooling, the gospel, parenting, or really anything else for that matter. Excited to keep reading?
This blog exists to point.
"[I'm] just a poor beggar telling other poor beggars where to find bread."
-D.A. Carson
I hope through this blog to share with you things I have found on my journey of homeschooling that have helped in my attempt to prayerfully and intentionally point my kids to Christ, who alone can rescue us and satisfy us forever.
Is this blog just for homeschoolers?
It depends on your definition of homeschoolers!
It is my belief that God has given us as parents the primary responsibility for raising up our kids to know the Lord.
Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. (Deuteronomy 6:4-7)
He established a testimony in Jacob
and appointed a law in Israel,
which he commanded our fathers
to teach to their children,
that the next generation might know them,
the children yet unborn,
and arise and tell them to their children,
so that they should set their hope in God. (Psalm 78:5-7a)
This includes how we parent, discipline, and instruct them. But let's face it – as parents we have freedom to prayerfully, and purposefully delegate some of those responsibilities to others. If you are a "traditional" homeschooling family, you may delegate to a tutor, co-op, online instructor, grand-parent, music teacher or textbook any number of subjects in your child's education.
Similar choices are also made by those who choose to delegate teaching responsibilities to the public, charter, or private schools. These parents, for purposeful, practical and prayerful reasons have made these decisions, just as traditional homeschoolers have done. Most non-homeschooling parents that I talk to, still feel a very high degree of responsibility for educating their kids. So homeschooling is really something that most of us do, to one degree or another.
If you are prayerfully, diligently and intentionally supervising your child's education, this blog is written for you.
Granted, if you are not teaching your child math, you may not be interested in a review of Saxon Math. But you may be interested in links to some great websites that help your kids with their times tables.
Similar choices are also made by those who choose to delegate teaching responsibilities to the public, charter, or private schools. These parents, for purposeful, practical and prayerful reasons have made these decisions, just as traditional homeschoolers have done. Most non-homeschooling parents that I talk to, still feel a very high degree of responsibility for educating their kids. So homeschooling is really something that most of us do, to one degree or another.
If you are prayerfully, diligently and intentionally supervising your child's education, this blog is written for you.
Granted, if you are not teaching your child math, you may not be interested in a review of Saxon Math. But you may be interested in links to some great websites that help your kids with their times tables.
What can you expect?
If I'm not an expert, and this blog isn't just for homeschoolers, then what can you expect to find here?
- Good News Monday – Every Monday, look for gospel encouragement to focus your week on those things of "first importance". (1 Cor 15:3-5)
- Mid Week - Interesting how-to articles, resources, curriculum reviews and web-links for those who are traditional or "full-time" homeschoolers, or who are thinking about homeschooling "full time". (Many written by people who are more of an "expert" than me!) Resources to help teach your kids the gospel, theology or understand the gospel in all of life.
- Friday Book Club - An online book club where we read through a book one chapter at a time and share our thoughts. (Check out the book club tab for our current book!)
Why "Gospel-Centered" Homeschooling?
Great question! This is what I am most passionate about on this blog. This blog is not primarily about homeschooling, or education but about how the gospel is central to all of life. Parents can frequently rely on the "do's and don'ts" of Christianity and rely on those things to produce good, moral, Christ-following children- and homeschool families can be especially susceptible to this. So I will regularly post about how the Gospel transforms parenting, homeschooling and all of life - not just at the moment we begin the Christian life, but all throughout it until we are glorified with Christ in heaven.
"The Gospel in 6 minutes".
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